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Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health
Having access to superior education is something more of a privilege, especially because the tuition and fees can be quite expensive in the United States. Nonetheless, there are different ways to fund your education and therefore, you might have a chance to finally get into dentistry school as you have desired for some time. A very new but quite popular school in the U.S. is the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health, located in the city of Mesa. They offer a four year program that teaches the students everything they need to know about dentistry, and how to get started in the industry as soon as they graduate.
New Breath of Fresh Air
The Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health was just inaugurated eight years ago in Mesa, Arizona, which means that they are a considerably new school. However, the fact that they are new doesn’t mean that they are inexperienced, but rather, young and quite energetic, always looking for innovative ways to provide oral care. Their dental program happens to be packed with pioneering ideas that can be combined with the principles of dentistry, all to offer the patients with a better and more effective service. The facility at Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health boasts with the latest technology both in medicine and in electronics, and the entire ambiance is youthful and simple.
Applying to Arizona Dentistry School
Surely, applying to Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health – or any other school for that matter – can be tedious and even nerve racking. Nonetheless, getting to know the steps and requirements prior to starting the process can be extremely helpful because it will give you time to gather the required documentation. Interesting enough, Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health happens to be the very first dentistry school in the state of Arizona, which means that they are completely focused in delivering nothing but the best quality of dentistry education. In order to apply, you must do so via their official website in the month of June,prior to the year when you plan on starting your classes. Once that first application is sent, the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health will send you a second application to your personal email only if you qualify.
Affordable Dental Care
The Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health not only offers top notch education, but also provides dental care to families that can’t afford private dentistry work, or that simply don’t have medical insurance. This, of course, is mainly done for two reasons: to provide oral care to those in need and to enable the student to practice in a real life situation. The clinic at Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health offers different types of dentistry services at very reasonable prices, such as:
- Implants
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Imaging
- Prevention of cavities/diseases
- Cosmetic Dentistry
- Orthodontics
- General Treatments
The clinic is open to the public and patients can make the appointment by calling the number listed on their website, or by clicking on the tab that reads “Request an Appointment”.